Practicing Mindfulness in the Midst of a Cancer diagnosis

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is taking a moment to fully pay attention to something. Slowing down to really notice, not rushing around, multitasking, thinking about ALL the things. When you're mindful, you’re taking your time to sit with something in a relaxed, easy way. Fully present in the moment.

You might be asking yourself how you can be mindful and feel any sort of relaxation when you’ve been touched by a life-altering event such as cancer. Being mindful is a quality we all possess, you just have to learn how to access it. Believe me it’ll be second nature before you know it. I’ve listed a few of my favorite mindfulness practices.

Mindfulness Practices


Meditation is a common type of mindfulness. It can be done standing, sitting, walking, and lying down. Start with deep breathing relaxation techniques as a way to focus. If you are new to meditating keep it simple. You can use guided meditations that can help talk you through the meditation. Check out the app store or YouTube for options. I personally use the Insight Timer app as I can find the perfect guided meditation for any situation. Meditation can help improve our health in many ways. I like this article from Mindworks as it breaks down the physical health benefits of a daily meditation practice, including the research on the benefits.


Visualization is a mindful practice of imaging what you want in the future. It can involve all five senses of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. When you practice visualization it directs the subconscious to be aware of the end goal in mind. Jack Canfield states “the daily practice of visualizing your dreams as already complete can rapidly accelerate your achievement of those dreams, goals, and ambitions”. It’s rather simple to practice visualization - sit comfortably, close your eyes and imagine - in as vivid detail as you can. Imagine being on the inside looking out at the amazing life you want to experience after this life you are experiencing. Imagine seeing yourself there in that moment after all the worry of cancer is behind you, feel the joy, experience the emotions, notice your loved ones with you, the expression on their faces, see the colors around you, really FEEL it and don’t leave any detail behind. Dream Big!


Journaling is writing down your thoughts, feelings, and emotions and can be incredibly liberating to the mind and body. Getting your thoughts and feelings on paper can help overwhelming feelings or even release the pressure of so much going on internally. Journaling doesn’t have to be pretty or perfect. Put the expectations and judgements aside and just start writing, doodling, scribbling…whatever it is that ends up on the paper even if it’s messy. Be as blunt and honest as you want (it’s for your eyes only). This is your way to write your thoughts and no one has to see it. A journaling practice may help you reduce stress, improve your mood, and boost your well-being. Write until your mind is clear - however long it takes.

Mindfulness: Effective tool in healing

Implementing mindfulness practices has been proven to significantly lower anxiety, depression, fatigue, and stress resulting in greater quality of life. Going through cancer or being affected by cancer in any way has an emotional impact. Applying simple mindful techniques is one of the ways to support our mind and body with minimal effort.

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