Stay Focused When Dealing with Cancer: A Survivor’s Approach
How to Stay Focused when Faced with Cancer.
In today's fast-paced world, maintaining concentration can be challenging, especially if you are a parent, working full time, or just trying to manage life with ease. Now throw in a cancer diagnosis, adding another layer of uncertainty to the emotional and psychological state.
I remember trying to stay focused during my diagnosis while also being a mom, wife, working full time, trying to understand my emotions, and allow my body to heal. I skated through with ease but would be challenged differently when my husband was diagnosed 11 years later.
Let’s explore 4 strategies to help you maintain focus and concentration. Embracing this from a whole body perspective will make you feel less overwhelmed and help navigate the complexities when faced with the uncertainty a diagnosis carries with it.
Holistic Approach to Staying focused During Cancer.
Nurture Physical Well-being:
Taking care of your physical health is the foundation to maintaining focus and resilience. There may be lifestyle modifications to support the body as a result of treatment, etc. Move the body in the way that works for you with regular exercise, such as gentle walks, yoga, or tai chi, to promote physical strength and enhance mental clarity. There’s truth in the old saying ‘go for a walk, it’ll clear your mind’.
Nourish your body with a balanced diet, rich in nutrient-dense foods to optimize energy levels and fuel the body’s energy system - the mind.
Enrich Emotional Resilience:
Emotional well-being is a key factor in your ability to stay focused and navigate the emotional rollercoaster of dealing with cancer. Find your support system in family, friends, support groups, or a cancer doula who can offer support from their own cancer experience. There is value in talking with someone who’s ‘been there’ and can relate on a deeper level than those who haven’t been through it.
Practice self-compassion and embrace your emotions, allow yourself to grieve, process the fear, and find outlets for expression, such as journaling, etc. These practices are defined deeper in my recent blog post about surviving cancer emotionally.
One of my favorite ways to express emotions is to write a letter to the thoughts, situation, or even the person that is keeping you stuck in that emotion. Write the letter with passion, feeling what comes up, and then shred or burn it. This is a powerful release for you and oftentimes resolves the thoughts, allowing the emotional healing to begin.
By tending to your emotional needs, you help clear the mind of emotional burden creating a solid foundation to stay focused, enhance your concentration, and build mental clarity during your cancer journey.
Embrace Mind-Body Practices:
Holistic approaches to health help strengthen mind-body practices that nurture harmony and balance. Implementing practices of meditation with essential oils, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness habits will help quiet the mind, reduce anxiety, and enhance focus during difficult times. These complementary therapies help cultivate a centered and focused state of being.
Reiki is a beautiful way to promote relaxation, alleviate stress, and nurture that mind-body connection. In addition, I’ve listed 5 common integrative cancer care therapies in my recent blog post.
Explore Spiritual Connection:
Cultivating a sense of spiritual connection can provide solace, meaning, and support during your cancer journey. Pursue the practices that resonate with your spiritual beliefs, whether it's prayer, meditation, mindfulness in nature, or connecting with a spiritual community.
Nurturing your spiritual well-being can offer a sense of peace, purpose, and guidance. Practicing spiritual connection helps you to stay grounded and in the moment.
Staying focused when dealing with cancer requires a holistic approach that encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By nurturing your entire being through practices such as physical care, emotional resilience, mind-body techniques, and spiritual connection, you create a foundation for sustained concentration and inner strength.
Embrace this holistic journey, knowing that you have the power to navigate the challenges with clarity, resilience, and a focused mindset.
Staying focused during difficult times using essential oils.
One of the tools I use routinely for focus and concentration is essential oils.
Spearmint is a great oil for the mind. The oil of Relieving, Uplifting, Promoting, & Focus.
Spearmint essential oil inspires clarity of thought and confident verbal expression. Spearmint can be helpful when looking to communicate clearly, assists in becoming emotionally clear and expressing with confidence.
Add a few drops of Spearmint in a diffuser alone or with Rosemary essential oil for focus and concentration. When inhaled, it can ease feelings of stress and nervousness. Add a drop of Spearmint essential oil to your water and sip throughout the day. Rub diluted Spearmint oil and apply over the throat to express yourself with confidence.